Accountability and relaxation

In this Edition:

Note: The post below is from June 2022. I’m catching up with turning my newsletters into blog posts.

  1. Quote

  2. Motivate: Accountability

  3. Book discussion: What I’m reading

  4. Final thoughts


Last post, I issued a challenge, and several people emailed me with goals. It was fun working alongside some of you to accomplish our goals together. And maybe you achieved something this week too and were quiet about it.

There is nothing like achieving something you set your mind to. It was my goal to have written a new 10,000 words on my novel. There were times I didn’t really feel like working on it or felt pulled in other directions. But I’d made a public promise and just knowing I’d be admitting success or failure to you all gave me the push I needed. I made it to 10,000 words. I would’ve been soft on myself without the motivation, and I wouldn’t have reached my goal.

This speaks to the power of community. It’s okay to reach out and request accountability from others. I know others were motivated to action because I was checking in.

Special shout-out to Elaine: Congrats on your week’s large accomplishments! Keep building on the foundation you started!

Fun fact: Elaine, a friend and previous co-worker inspired one of the characters in THE FALSE FLAT.

Final thoughts below.


Current read/progress: 85% into MEANT TO BE by Emily Giffin. Formal review to come.

Next up: ALL YOUR PERFECTS by Colleen Hoover.

Final thoughts:

Goals: When you’re struggling to get something done, talk it out with someone. Accountability keeps you on track!

And if you have trouble taking time to relax, build it into your schedule. Relaxation can be a goal! Kaylee!

I’m going to take it easy this week, release myself from some responsibilities, take in the ocean, let my mind relax. We’re frequently on overdrive, and you can run yourself into the ground if you don’t stop and take in your surroundings.

Time to rejuvenate is just as important as time spent on your goals and tasks. In fact, you’re better equipped to get the job done.

Until next time, much glitter,


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Recovering from disappointment


Making time for your passions.