Just Stop!

In this Edition:

NOTE: This post was supposed to go out on July 11!

  1. Quote

  2. Update

  3. Motivate: Overextending

  4. Book talk: What I’m reading now.

  5. Onyx Publications: New works and writing contest reminder

  6. Medical Moment: Food sources of vit. D

  7. Final thoughts


I hope you’re doing well!

This past week, I desperately wanted to do nothing.


By nothing, I mean, sip tea and work on my novel. I’m completely into this new book I’m working on and now have 84,000 words. The thing is still on track to be done by the end of July. And this week, I want to share the first paragraph of my work-in-progress. I’ll do that at the end of the “update” section.

THE FALSE FLAT, the women’s fiction novel currently being reviewed by editors. Publishing a book, or attempting to get it published takes a LONG TIME.

In the meantime, I’ll continue writing because I’m getting a book deal one way or another.

As promised, the first paragraph of my new work. Of course this might change, but as it is now:


by Melissa Collings

“I am in a love pentagon. Screw the triangle. This is a full-blown, five-sided, human polygon. Somehow—ridiculously, unimaginably—there are not one, not two, not three, but FOUR men who currently want a relationship with me.”

And there you have it. That first paragraph basically gives you the book’s premise better than I could summarize it.


Remember how earlier I said I wanted to do nothing this week?

I’ve overextended myself. Too many plans. Too many promises. Just too much.

I pride myself on keeping my promises, doing what I say I’ll do, etc. I like to be someone others can count on.

But this week I discovered that my to-do list had eaten me for lunch. I’ve let email replies slip through the cracks. The house isn’t as clean as it should be. We had company over for a game night, and I didn’t even care about the house!

All these flubs and oversights tell me something: I need to slow down and take some moments.

This week, I’m going to make an effort to do things that relax and refresh me to get me back on track.

So this week’s motivation is simple.


Listen to your mind and body when they’re screaming for a break.


We live in a world where we’re expected to GO, GO, GO. But that quote at the top of this newsletter is golden. To overextend is to invite defeat.

It’s okay to have days that aren’t stuffed with plans. It’s okay to be “free.” You don’t have to be, and don’t need to be, doing something every moment of every day.

You stifle your creativity when you’re overextended!

By having too much on your plate, you’re actually less productive.

Let’s chew on that, shall we?

Book talk:

I’m currently reading MAYBE SOMEDAY, another romance by Colleen Hoover. I’m 23% in, and I’m intrigued enough to keep going. I’ll keep you posted.

Medical Moment: Vit. D

I’ve talked about the importance of vitamin D before, and I’ve encouraged you all to have your levels checked or at the very least, take a vit D. supplement. But I think it’s important to know good food sources of this vitamin.

Food Sources

There aren’t that many! The best sources are the flesh of fatty fish and fish liver oils. Smaller amounts are found in egg yolks, cheese, and beef liver.

  • Cod liver oil

  • Salmon

  • Swordfish

  • Tuna fish

  • Orange juice fortified with vitamin D

  • Dairy and plant milks fortified with vitamin D

  • Some cheeses

  • Sardines

  • Beef liver

  • Egg yolk

  • Fortified cereals

    If you’re not eating these foods, consider your sun exposure and consider a vit d supplement!

  • Reminder: most people are low, and low vit d contributes to anxiety and depression!

New Onyx Podcasts!

In July of 2022: Onyx put out 2 new podcasts because of scheduling issues.

  1. Letters From My Beloved

Written by Sarah Butkovic

Narrated by Melissa Collings

When a new-to-the-neighborhood arrival receives multiple unstamped and wax-sealed letters, she embarks on a quest to reveal the true-identity of the author. Journey with her as she discovers the surprising truth. After the reading, we talk with Sarah about her ongoing studies in English and her exploration of creative writing and a unique aspect of her home that served as an inspiration for the story.

Listen here!

2. A Selection of Poems

Written by Elaine Sorrentino

Narrated by Melissa Collings

Listen to five poems by Elaine Sorrentino. Find release in your breath, know the pain of violence and choice, and wonder at the seduction of luxury and the lack of courtesy. Elaine’s poems range from lighthearted reminiscence to shadow filled rooms. Afterward, we interview Elaine to talk about her poetry and see what she’s writing next. As always, we have a great time!

Listen here!

Final thoughts:

Don’t fill your time with “stuff” because you feel like you need a social calendar. You don’t have to run yourself ragged. It’s okay to have nothing on the schedule.

Your worth is not defined by how much you get done, but much more by the quality of your work.

And listen to the screams of your body and mind. Take a break when they tell you to. The world won’t fall apart. I promise.

Until next time, much glitter,


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Stepping out of your comfort zone


Manifesting success