I can’t.

Note: This post should have been posted on August 1, 2022.

  1. Quote

  2. Update: The End

  3. My Newsletter readers helped me with a book problem

  4. Motivate: Can’t

  5. Book review/discussion

  6. Final thoughts


Happy August 1st!

As I’ve said before, I love the start of a new month. It’s a fresh beginning, a chance to start over again. (If you want to look at it that way.)

This past week, I finished writing THE LOVE PENTAGON, my newest novel. Typing the words, “The End” gave me a boost.

The sense of completing something you’ve been working hard for is rewarding and uplifting.

In a way, it felt like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders.

I wanted to celebrate because I believe one should always celebrate their victories, big and small. Wanna know how I celebrated?

By digging right into the revisions.

I’ve decided I’m pathetic. But the completion of one thing fueled me to keep going for another. I’m so close to having a book other people can read that I just want it done. So that’s how I celebrated, by doing more work.

However, I’m comfortable with this because it’s a work I love. I love these characters, and honestly, I’ll be sad when I’m not hanging out with them every day.

Now, let’s see how long it takes me to get these edits done.

Sometimes I’m writing and a new character shows up but I don’t want to stop and name them or I have no idea what to name them, so I stick NAME in as a placeholder in hopes I’ll become inspired along the way.

Well, when I was struggling with a two names in this novel, I thought it would be fun if my newsletter readers named my characters, so I sent out a request to my email recipients with the following:

  1. I need a boys name that works for a girl. This is the name of middle-aged man, but also a twenty-something girl.

  2. I need a name for a twenty-something loaf of a guy. He has no ambitions and is essentially a drain on society.

I like unusual names, but I was willing to consider anything.

Results in next blog post!


The words “I can’t” kept creeping up on me this past week.

I was once at a child’s birthday party. I overheard a conversation between a little kid and a good friend’s mother. When she heard a child say, “I can’t.” She calmly replied, “Never say can’t. That’s a bad word.”

I loved it so much, I stole it. Now, in our house, we tell our girls that “can’t” is a bad word. They are welcome to ask for help if they’re struggling, but they aren’t allowed to say they can’t.

My youngest child struggles with this, and every time she says, “I can’t do it”, I get a surge of “I can. I will. Now watch me.”

 As I was editing a section of my book, I came across a scene where my main character says, “I can’t.” and the person she’s talking to replies with this:

“‘Can’t’ should never be a part of your vocabulary. You might not want to, but you are not incapable.”

As I finished up my book, I thought about “can’t” again.

Leaving my book unfinished wasn’t an option for me, but when it comes to what happens to my book, that’s a little greyer. I find myself struggling with promotion, working really hard at all the wrong things. My Instagram account is stagnant even though I’m putting work into it. I’m temped to say “I can’t do it.”

Writing the book was/is easy for me. Promoting the book is and will be very difficult for me. It’s possible that once I actually have a product, it’ll be different. But in either case, it boils down to desire.

Do you want something bad enough to overcome your “can’t”?

None of us are incapable. We just have to ask ourselves how badly we want something and consider whether we’re willing to put the work in.

It’s scary because it places the responsibility on your own shoulders, but it’s soothing because it can be yours at a price.

Book Discussion:

I decided to try the “sequels” to MAYBE SOMEDAY by Colleen Hoover.

MAYBE NOT: This was too steamy for me.

MAYBE NOW: I liked MAYBE SOMEDAY enough to follow through with M. N. when this came available at the library. (I don’t buy unless I know I like it.) I’m 25% of the way in, and it’s not capturing me like M. S.

We’ll see. I’ve got a few other things on my “hold” shelf that I’m going to work through, and then it’s time for a new author. I’m excited. (But I still love Colleen!)

Final thoughts:

I hope you start this new week in this new month with your head held high and promise in your footsteps.

You can. You just have to decide if you want to.

Until next time, much glitter,


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