This can’t be happening…
In this Edition:
Update: UGH!!!!!
How to make a list of agents to submit to.
Motivate: Find your own way.
Let’s Talk Books - What I’m Reading.
My Favorite Things: Waterproof fabulousness.
Final thoughts.
Several weeks ago, I was describing the book I wrote and am currently editing to a writer friend of mine.
I had this great idea for my book.
I titled it: THE LOVE PENTAGON. I thought it was cute that my main character was named Pen and…well, her in a love “PENtagon” was even more charming.
I fell in love with the idea, had a blast writing the book, let people read it, edited it based on feedback, sent it to my agent. She read it and gave me feedback. And now…editing.
So, as I was describing my book to this friend, I told her I needed comparison titles. She said, “Oh, have you read THE LOVE SQUARE by Laura Jane Williams?
No, I hadn’t read that, hadn’t even heard of it. And I’ll be honest, the title was a bit bothersome, but I put it on my reading list.
I just started it, and, reader, it’s eerily similar to my novel. The main character in The Love Square is named Penny, sometimes referred to as Pen. Outrageous!
This Penny has nearly given up on dating and considering being a single mom with the frozen eggs she had fertilized because she was treated for cancer at some point in the past and had her eggs frozen.
Okay, that’s not the same thing I’m doing, but it’s close, and still, bothersome, no?
THEN! This Penny meets a guy with an accent (a chef). He’s Italian, but in my book, the first person my Pen meets is a handsome pirate-like Frenchman with an accent who bakes cream puffs. (I know, I want him too ;-)
Stephen, if you’re reading this, that was a joke. Mostly. Okay, I’m sorry.
I don’t know what to think about all this, but it makes me nervous because I don’t want to be seen a rip-off, but I didn’t know!
The coincidences feel outrageous, but we’ll see what other people say. Maybe I’m too close to it.
How to find the right literary agent for your book:
As promised, I wrote up a blog post on finding the right literary agent for your book.
The post is too long to include on this newsletter, and readers who aren’t writers won’t care. But for you writers, you can read the blog post here. This is my experience and what helped me.
Just because a process works for someone else, doesn’t mean it will work for you.
Let’s Talk Books-What I’m reading:
No book review again this week because I’m behind on reading. I don’t even know what I've been doing. Time seems to vanish before my eyes with little to show for its passing.
I’ve given up on Signal Fires by Dani Shapiro. It’s well written. I’m just not in love. Moving on.
The Love Square by Laura Jane Williams. Yeah, I mentioned this one above. I’ll keep you posted.
My Favorite Things:
You might remember this notepad from my list of recommended writer Christmas gifts.
I got one.
I love it.
I officially recommend it! It works!
Final thoughts:
Go forth and conquer this day, this night, this hour (whenever you’re reading this.) in your own way. Not what someone else thinks the right way should be.
Your way!
Much glitter,
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