Trying something new

The post below should be dated: August 29, 2022

  1. Quote

  2. Update: The book hand-off.

  3. Motivate: Refresh yourself.

  4. Final thoughts


Happy whenever you’re reading this!

I’m apologizing in advance…this week’s post is brief. I’m flying solo this week, and yesterday, when I’d normally be writing down the thoughts I’d compiled through the week, I spent that time with my kiddos, breaking routine and going rogue (I really like that word, but apparently it doesn’t mean exactly what I thought it did, but still leaving it here because…why not?).

I kept the girls up too late last night, and we had fun, but it does mean a shorter newsletter. Please, wipe your tears; you can’t go out like that even though I’ve just devastated you.


A reminder that patience makes life easier…

I haven’t said much about THE FALSE FLAT, the book that my agent has because I don’t have news! One day it’ll either happen or it won’t, which is why I decided to write this other book. Because one way or another, I’m getting there.

And…my most recently written book (THE LOVE PENTAGON) is now officially in new hands.

Stephen, my husband, has already started and is, at last report, on page 120. He’s absolutely not my target reader, but so far, he’s enjoying it. I get really excited when I know he’s reading and I look over and see a big smile on his face, better if he laughs out loud, best if he points at the screen and says, “yes, this is excellent,” which is high praise coming from him. But he also gets my sense of humor, so it’s those little nuggets of hilarity that draws him in.

I’ve decided to do my editing in 2 rounds.

So, who’s reading my book first? This first round consists of my husband and 3 people from my writing groups.

1.      Reader 1: The husband: not my target audience, but he’s excellent at puzzles. He’s going to help me make sure everything is consistent, that it makes sense, that all the pieces fit together.

2.      Reader 2: She’s my target reader with amazing ideas. She understands a good story, isn’t afraid to tell me like it is/like it should be, but she’s also a champion of my work. (Seriously, she’s encouraged me more than anyone.) She’s going to make sure all the feels are there, and I trust her judgment.

3.      Reader 3: She’s a writer, but she very well could be an editor. She doesn’t read women’s fiction/romance, but she knows what a good story should look like. She gives the most detailed notes of anyone, like a report you’d get from an editor. She’s going to make sure my book has a solid structure, consistent themes, and compelling threads to pull the reader through.

4.      Reader 4: She’s an excellent mix of #2&3. She’s a writer, so she knows what the story components should be. But she also enjoys reading this genre. She has an eye for what rings true and what the public will enjoy. She helps smooth my rough edges.

Once this amazing crew has finished with the manuscript, I’ll make edits and polish this thing. Then it’s off to a second group of amazing ladies. These will be my readers, those that have said they want to read my book. They’re looking forward to it and will approach it with a reader’s eye, rather than an editorial eye. And I’m excited for that phase!

Honestly, I’m still a little nervous (probably more than a little). Stephen’s giving me the thumbs up, but that’s just SO FAR. There’s a lot more book to go.

As always, I’ll keep you posted.

But I miss my characters. I had so much fun writing this book. And I have another idea nibbling at the back of my mind, which is new and very unexpected. But it’ll be a while before I explore it because while I’m taking a break from writing, I’m diving into the medical world. For the next however-long-it-takes-me, I’ll be obtaining my CMEs so I can keep my medical license.

For all my talk of writing and books, I am just as passionate about medicine. Though, writing is more fun.


About 2 weeks ago, I was invited as a guest on a live online event that a small publishing/editing company put together. I’ve mentioned them before, Book Puma Editing.

The talk was on “Diversity in your creative life” and was free to attend at the time, but now, it’s become a part of their author package for purchase. I’m honored to have given advice they found worthy enough to add to their collection that people pay for, but mostly, I discovered I really enjoyed sharing the things that worked for me.

I think that’s why I enjoy writing this newsletter. I love the idea of adding value to other people’s lives.

I wanted to share one of my favorite tips from that talk though, and it’s for anyone, the writer or the non-writer.

I think for mind stimulation, for life enhancement, for a perspective shift, for relief of monotony, everyone should

attempt to do something you don’t normally do

…make yourself step out of your comfort zone, even if it’s a small thing.

This week, I encourage you to try something new. A new drink, a new food, talking to a new person, reading a book you wouldn’t normally, watching a show you wouldn’t normally, an activity you haven’t tried before, a hobby you haven’t attempted, a new hairstyle…the list of potential new things is endless, but I think it does the body good.

And could lead you to an expected place, where you learn new things about yourself and others.

Final thoughts:

Step out today or this week. Refresh yourself with a slight change (or major, I’m certainly not limiting you).

It’s done me good recently. It’s helped me get where I am now. If I hadn’t explored the new, I would’ve missed out.

What are you missing out on? Or at the very least, trying something new will make you appreciate what you’ve already got. And your “usual” will almost become fresh again.

Bonus: kick butt today. You’re awesome. You totally can.

Much glitter,


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Being Vulnerable


Dealing with opinions & criticism